He's got a huge space in which he's selling everything, from vegetables to detergents to meat and everything in between. 他的店铺店面很大,卖很多东西,从蔬菜到清洁剂再到肉类,应有尽有。
But while most tools vendors see big promise and opportunity in the analog space, selling it to the engineers who will use those tools is another matter entirely. 但是,虽然当大多数工具厂商看到了模拟领域的广阔前景和机会,但是销售给使用这些工具的模拟工程师就完全是另一码事了。
Last week the solar panel manufacturer LDK, which had already received financial help from local government, gained breathing space from financial difficulties by selling a 20 per cent stake to a city-related fund. 近期太阳能电池板生产商赛维LDK(LDKSolar)向一家市属基金出售了20%股权,在财务困境中获得了一丝喘息之机,此前该公司已经得到过来自地方政府的资金支持。
Fundamental Thread: the space analysis on selling-channel-saving-tax will be first on and then the saving tax design of the selling channel and at last is the design on its risk and guidance. 基本思路:先进行分销渠道节税空间分析,再进行分销渠道的节税设计,最后分析节税设计的风险与防范。
In this paper, soft decoration show in the furniture design exhibition features: reflect corporate brand image, improving public space, soften the feeling of room, performance space, intentions, highlight the selling points of furniture. 本文阐述了软装饰在家具展会展示设计中的功能:体现企业品牌形象、改善空间的形态、柔化室内的感觉、表现空间的意向、突出展示家具的卖点。
Because of this trend, industrial product markets of different countries are not confined to space and time any more. Free flow of factors and swift transmission means of information is contributing to globalization of purchasing and selling. 它使得各国工业品市场不再受到地域和时间的限制,自由的要素流通和快速的信息传递方式促成采购与销售的全球化。
Some developers in order to attract buyers, the use of green space to do stunts and selling point, early in the sales area to be visited great effort until the construction of the latter work has shrunk. 有些开发商为了吸引买家,运用绿地做噱头和卖点,在售楼之初对可供参观的区域下大功夫,待建设后期出现质量问题。
Many garment enterprises to develop innovative clothing brand dedicated to the road, and its terminals store not only the layout of excellence in space, and then elevated to the overall color to the aesthetic height, in order to increase the selling points of visual merchandising. 诸多服装企业致力于服装品牌发展创新之路,其终端卖场不仅在空间的布局方面精益求精,进而对整体色彩提升到到审美高度,为视觉营销增加卖点。
This section describes how high the housing price of Shanghai is through four indicators including the real estate price index, per capita living space, housing price-to-income ratio, rent and selling price ratio. 通过房地产价格指数、人均居住面积、房价收入比和租售比四个方面的指标,具体描述上海目前房价高的程度。